… borisovich
Главный дирижер и художественный руководитель Красноярского Академического симфонического оркестра
Родился в Ленинграде.
В 1986 году закончил Санкт-Петербургскую консерваторию по классу гобоя и фортепиано.
С 1984 по 1989 год работал концертмейстером группы гобоев в Академическом симфоническом оркестре Санкт-Петербургской филармонии. Работая в оркестре, начал обучаться дирижёрскому мастерству у известного профессора Ильи Александровича Мусина.
С 1989 года жил в США, где обучался у выдающегося педагога Густава Майера. Гастролировал в Новой Зеландии, Австралии, Великобритании, России, Европе, Латинской Америке и Азии.
Трудовая деятельность:
С 2008 года — главный приглашённый дирижёр Санкт-Петербургского государственного академического симфонического оркестра. Одновременно работал с рядом оркестров США (главный приглашённый дирижёр Оркестра Национальной Галереи в Вашингтоне, музыкальный директор и дирижёр камерного оркестра «Солисты Вашингтона», симфонического оркестра «COSMIC», камерного оркестра Университета «Джонс Хопкинс» и главный приглашенный дирижёр Фестивального оркестра «Баханалия» в Нью-Йорке).
С 2009 года — музыкальный директор и дирижёр фестиваля «Соврменной американской музыки» в Вашингтоне и «Интернационального музыкального фестиваля» в г. Талса, штат Оклахома. Маэстро также преподает в Американском университете и Консерватории в Вашингтоне, даёт мастер-классы по всему миру.
С апреля 2015 года - главный дирижер Красноярского академического симфонического оркестра
Официальный сайт Красноярского академического симфонического оркестра - … ii-orkestr
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Russian-American conductor Vladimir Lande is the Music Director and Conductor of the Siberian State Symphony Orchestra (Krasnoyarsk, Russia).
In 2008, Maestro Lande was appointed principal guest conductor of the St. Petersburg State Symphony, and in 2011 he led the orchestra on a 24-concert "Tour of the Americas” including New York’s Alice Tully Hall, Boston’s Symphony Hall, Philadelphia’s KimmelCenter, Baltimore’s Meyerhoff Hall, and the Society of the Performing Arts in Houston, as well as the most prestigious venues in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Peru, Chile and Uruguay. A sampling of reviews from that tour includes:
"In Tchaikovsky´s Fifth Symphony, the musicians produced a big, powerful sound, which Mr. Lande molded into a shapely, emotional reading.” —NEW YORK TIMES
"This [orchestra] did its home city and country proud.” —BOSTON GLOBE
"Tuesday’s all-Russian program was memorable for this attention to detail- just what one hopes.” —LOS ANGELES TIMES
A graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory and a former student of the renowned professor Gustav Maier, Maestro Lande enjoys a remarkable career as principal and guest conductor of major orchestras including the St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra, Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra, Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra, the Baltimore Symphony, the National Gallery Orchestra (in Washington D.C. and on a U.S. tour), the Tulsa Symphony Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra of Peru, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Argentina, Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma, Naples Philharmonic Orchestra (Florida) the Baltimore Opera Orchestra, and many more.
Maestro Lande actively tours with various orchestras; his most recent notable tours include Central and South America, United States, South Korea, and Europe. He is also Music Director and Conductor of Washington (DC) Soloists Chamber Orchestra.
Vladimir Lande boasts an extraordinary recording career. His recordings received high critically acclaim and numerous awards, such as the Clef d’Or Global Music Award and the Award of the German Classical Music Critics Association. His CDs of Schubert’s Unfinished and Great Symphonies were released on Brilliant Classics in the summer of 2011, and his CD of American composer James Aikman's music was released on Naxos. Other notable recordings include works by Respighi and Castelnuovo-Tedesco as well as contemporary works for the Parma label. Currently, Maestro Lande is in the process of recording a 17 CD cycle of the complete symphonic works of Soviet composer Mieczslaw Weinberg, whose centennial will be celebrated in 2019. Maestro Lande is an expert and active champion of contemporary music, having recorded more than 30 CDs of contemporary compositions.
Vladimir Lande's vision for contemporary music crosses genre boundaries in such ground-breaking projects as "Concerto for Chef and Orchestra," and, in collaboration with the perfume industry in France, "The Fragrance of Sound."
In June of 2011 Maestro Lande successfully launched a series of video recordings for Naxos titled "Concerts from the Palaces of St. Petersburg.” His future plans include multiple high-definition video projects with the Siberian State Symphony Orchestra.
Lande has collaborated with many of today's leading soloists and rising stars, including Vadim Repin, Hilary Hahn, Pavel Milyukov, Nikolai Lugansky, Denis Matsuev, Olga Kern, Dmitry Kouzov, Xiayin Wang, Peter Laul, Maxim Mogilevsky, Eldar Nebolsin, Tianwa Yang, Gary Louie, Eugene Ugorski, Sergey Nakaryakov, Sergey Krylov, Alexander Knyazev, Andrei Gavrilov, Otto Sauter, and many more.
Maestro Lande equally successful in conducting Symphonic, Opera and Ballet repertoire.
His upcoming conducting engagements include the Israel Sinfonietta Beer Sheva, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Argentina, and many others.
Maestro Lande divides his time between Russia and the USA when not on tour.